How to Improve Your Virtual Onboarding Experience with Flipbook

It’s no doubt the past pandemic has changed everyone’s life. Working from home becomes a real thing and takes up a larger proportion of the workforce over time. As an HR professional or business owner, you may already face the challenge of onboarding new employees remotely. Though virtual onboarding sounds a bit daunting, it can be done just right with the perfect tool and flipbook is what we serve here.

Let’s dive into how flipbooks can make your life so much easier by taking the virtual onboarding experience up a notch.

What Is Virtual Onboarding?

Employee onboarding includes a set of activities designed to help new hires get into their role quickly and learn about the company’s culture, mission and values. Remote onboarding is very similar except it’s held virtually, with the help of video conferences, online resources, webinars, remote technology tools and alike.

What Is Flipbook?

Flipbook is an HTML5 interactive digital publication that imitates the look and feel of a real book. It presents a new way of creating, storing and sharing content. By converting PDF, images, or MS files into online flipbooks, every member of the organization has secure access to company documents regardless of where they are working. One excellent platform for flipbook creation is FlipHTML5. With years in the industry, it helps companies create flipbooks that enjoy prominent features:

Private and safe: Passwords can be set up for each flipbook to avoid unauthorized visits.

Accessible at scale: Anyone with the flipbook URL (and password as well if set up) can access the content online on their device.

Easy to update: Update content in real-time without changing the shared link. Or simply re-upload the latest version of the PDF file and still have the link unchanged.

Distraction-free reading: A flipbook will take up the whole screen to eliminate on-screen distraction. Deliver onboarding content to your audience in an immersive way that no other form of the medium can compare.

Create an onboarding journey: Turn words, graphics, videos and links into one flipbook. Gather all the information the new employees need in one place. Rather than a plain book, you create a custom onboarding journey for the new hires.

Create an Onboarding Welcome Guide Online

3 Ways Flipbook Helps You Improve Your Virtual Onboarding Experience

1. Use Flipbook for Digital Onboarding Documents

Onboarding documents include but are not limited to, employee handbooks, contact information, and organizational charts to name a few. In the traditional onboarding process, these first-day necessities are often handed to new employees on paper and used to familiarize themselves with the company. In a virtual context where neither in-person walkthroughs nor paper documents are available, it’s recommended to digitize onboarding documents so that all new hires can easily access them.

Digital publishing platform like FlipHTML5 fits the bill. You only need to upload the PDF version of the onboarding documents to the website and get them converted to digital page-flip books in seconds. By creating onboarding documents as flipbooks, you can:

  • Link to relevant book page/external resources while explaining terms.
  • Add phone numbers or email addresses under the colleague introduction.
  • Encrypt the flipbook with a password to prevent unwanted visits.
  • Customize the flipbook outlook with the company logo, fonts, and color.
  • Share the book link and password with new hires in the pre-onboarding email.
  • Embed onboarding flipbook on the company website or intranet easily.
  • Create once, use many.

2. Use Flipbook for Interactive Training Assets

Role-specific training should be in place for remote employees. While real-time communication might be inadequate, or oftentimes they might hesitate to ask their line manager, put them into words to create training assets that can be used many times and complement verbal communication. Infuse it with interactivity to engage employees even virtually. Flipbooks come in handy as you can:

  • Add videos to aid training, especially on tech-oriented topics.
  • Images/gifs are powerful tools for demonstration.
  • Put a survey inside asking remote employees to rate the training materials.
  • Endless animation effects and characters to make it fun.

3. Use Flipbook with Other Virtual Onboarding Tools

As discussed above, virtual onboarding is to take advantage of modern technologies to advance the onboarding process for remote employees. To get them up to speed with onboarding documents and training assets, hold a webinar or video conference for doubt-solving, or simply for connection. Flipbooks help keep everyone on the same page while they literally do. Presenting flipbooks on Zoom, Microsoft Team, and GoToMeeting is easy and fast. Combine tools you’re using on a daily basis, it works like 1+1>2. We created tutorials for using flipbooks on some of the popular virtual onboarding platforms:


The hybrid workforce is the future, and we should embrace it. As we all know, a poor onboarding experience is likely to lead to higher employee turnover and all that money and effort invested goes to waste. So it’s time to get your team ready to onboard remote employees and keep improving the whole process. FlipHTML5 will be your most reliable partner in making onboarding flipbooks and it provides a free version that lets everyone explore the magic of digital publishing. Don’t just make a handbook, create a wonderful virtual onboarding experience.

From Dull to Dynamic – Boost Your Content with FlipHTML5

Convert static content into a digital flipbook. Support PDF, PPT(X), DOC(X), PNG/JPG.

Online Flipbook Maker
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